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House Republicans push back against Biden administration's GREEN TYRANNY
By ramontomeydw // 2023-06-19
The Republican-controlled House of Representatives has passed a bill to block the Biden administration's federal ban on gas stoves. Lawmakers voted 248-180 on June 14 in favor of the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act (GSPFA), sponsored by Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND). A report by POLITICO stated that 29 Democratic lawmakers crossed party lines to ensure the bill's passing. Republicans touted the GSPFA as a pushback against the executive branch's overreach and green tyranny. If it becomes law, the bill will prohibit the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) from utilizing taxpayer dollars to enact an outright federal ban on gas stoves. It will also prevent the commission from using taxpayer dollars to enforce any consumer safety standard that would result in the effective removal of gas stoves from the market, or any significant increase in their mean price. "We know the motivation of the CPSC, and throughout this entire administration, is a green climate push," Armstrong said. "The goal is to dictate how you live every aspect of your life. How you save and invest for the future by pushing [environmental, social and governance standards], how you drive by banning gas-powered cars – and now the goal is to control how you cook." House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) remarked: "Now, they want to tell you what kind of stove you have to operate in your home and having to pick a less efficient and more costly option by banning gas stoves. We're pushing back against that." "We will hold the Biden administration accountable by standing up for the American people to stop the outrageous and really insane ban on gas stoves," said Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY). She described the ban as "a bad idea that started in New York that is now being embraced by every Democrat and the Biden administration." (Related: Another ploy to control people's lives: Biden administration plans to ban gas stoves.)

House Democrats want ban on gas stoves to push through

The GSPFA had its fair share of criticisms, mostly coming from Democrats. Some congressmen who opposed the bill branded the arguments of their GOP counterparts as "misinformation." Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) remarked: "I just don't quite understand the energy and hysteria almost in places about gas stoves. No one is taking away your gas stove." Meanwhile, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) lamented that the GOP-backed bill would stifle the CPSCs ability to investigate potentially hazardous products. "What you're basically saying is that this agency that protects our safety and health is just basically going to be emasculated and can't do its job," Pallone told his colleagues in the lower chamber. "What possible help is that?" In January, CPSC Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. said any option is on the table with regard to a possible federal ban. "Products that can't be made safe can be banned," he added. Trumka also noted that his office opened an inquiry into the potential health hazards of gas stove emissions. While there isn't any legislation that seeks to codify a prohibition on gas stoves at the federal level, multiple state and local governments – all under Democratic control – have pursued their own versions of gas stove bans in recent months. Ben Lieberman, senior fellow at the Washington, D.C.-based think tank Competitive Energy Institute, said the June 13 vote represents a GOP-led effort to halt "bureaucratic meddling" in the personal choices of consumers. He told the Daily Caller: "The Biden administration has unleashed two agencies – the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Department of Energy – to go after gas stoves, despite the fact that the American people overwhelmingly prefer to decide for themselves what to put in their kitchens." Watch Gary Franchi of Next News Network deliberating if the Democrats' gas stove ban is aimed at protecting the air or stripping people's liberties below. This video is from the NewsClips channel on

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Those attacks on gas stoves aren't really about health. If Democrats successfully ban gas stoves, restaurants everywhere will fail. Guess who's really behind the anti-gas stove crusade? The World Economic Forum (and their Democrat lackeys). Climate lunatics are working to ban natural gas stoves, forcing consumers to rely on electric burners that are mostly powered by coal. Sources include: