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LGBT cultists demand absolute compliance from all corporations ... or else
By ethanh // 2023-06-06
California state Sen. Scott Wiener, (D-San Francisco) is leading the charge in calling on all corporations everywhere to double down on their support for pushing LGBT perversion on children and babies. In response to the recent Target "Pride Collection" fiasco, Wiener called on all companies that are currently facing backlash for pushing transgender mutilation and other demonic things on innocents to keep it up with pride. "We need a strategy on how to deal with corporations that are experiencing enormous pressure to throw LGBTQ people under the bus," Wiener said. "We need to send a clear message to corporate America that if you're our ally – if you are truly our ally – you need to be our ally, not just when it's easy but also when it's hard." Target's response to the public backlash of its child-grooming displays was to pull some of the merchandise from stores or move it to the back of the store rather than have it at the front where it originally was. Like California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Wiener is outraged that Target's Pride Collection received any criticism at all, and he wants the store to keep featuring the LGBT items anyway, regardless of the backlash. "Target is paying the price for telling kids to be discontent with their bodies, putting ideology ahead of the interests of investors, and creating a hostile store environment for parents with children," said Victoria Cobb, president of The Family Foundation of Virginia, a conservative faith-based organization based out of Richmond. (Related: What is it with these "woke" corporations and their obsession with drag queens?)

Keep not spending your hard-earned dollars on LGBT-promoting "woke" brands

Another corporation that has received considerable backlash for its promotion of LGBT perversion is Anheuser-Busch and its Bud Light beer brand. Transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney was at the center of the controversy after "her" image was printed on the side of a special Bud Light promotional can. Bud Light sales have since plunged, but that has not stopped the company from sponsoring the upcoming Cincinnati Pride Parade. Bud Light is also tripling its U.S. marketing budget this summer to try to recoup some of its losses. According to the company, it "never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people" – but what could they possibly think would happen plastering the creepy likeness of a gender dysphoric mental case on the cans of an iconic American beer brand? "All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to say nothing," one person wrote in response to this reinvigorated LGBT onslaught coming from the likes of Wiener and Newsom. "Good men are starting to ignore the shushing of the women who support this kind of thing and are starting to tell them no, we are not going to go along any longer and remain quiet." Another emphasized that this is not about the personal lifestyle choices of adults, but rather about the indoctrination and manipulation of innocent children who are the targets of all this LGBT "pride" nonsense. "I don't want kids in straight pride clothes or having a kindergartener told about straight sex either," this person wrote, stressing that the best thing for children is to preserve their innocence as long as possible before they inevitably become exposed to the evils of this world. "It's just sick to the point we're now supposed to refer to pedophiles as 'young attracted people' – no way, no how." It would seem as though there is no floor to the decadence and indecency of the LGBT cult, said someone else. "It is an abyss. And all the while they claim to be breaking glass ceilings." It's up to you, America, to put a stop to the trans-ification of your country. Learn more at Sources for this article include: