POWER GRID THREAT! pic.twitter.com/1lzToKanVW
— DR. Kek (@Thekeksociety) May 28, 2023
(Related: The U.S.-run bioweapons labs in Ukraine may also be used to stage a false flag biological attack.)POWER GRID ATTACK! pic.twitter.com/mLBl0EEcP1
— DR. Kek (@Thekeksociety) May 28, 2023
WEF head Klaus Schwab himself ominously stated that COVID would be a "small disturbance in comparison" to the next planned false flag attack, which will more than likely strike the power grid. Predictive programming, such as the kind depicted in the below music video from Katy Perry, further suggests that a grid takedown is the planned method of transition into the new age (pay close attention to the symbology depicted to better understand the plot): Katy Perry "Not The End of The World" from Stephania Dulowski on Vimeo. Even billionaire money-grubber Warren Buffett is trumpeting the next false flag attack as being worse than COVID. The "Oracle of Omaha," as they call him, stated recently that the COVID scamdemic "is not the worst you can imagine," adding that another much worse scamdemic is soon to come. Buffett is a financial contributor to the dark and nefarious schemes of billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, who is more often than not behind these types of crises as either a bankroller or spearheader. As we await the next 9/11-style false flag attack from the deep state, you can pick up on more clues of what it might be at FalseFlag.news. Sources include: Infowars.com NaturalNews.com Twitter.comThe WEF warned us about a viral pandemic less than a year before we were hit by Covid
They are now openly warning of a “cyber pandemic” where a virus infects our infrastructure & the gov’t shuts down our power grid to “slow the spread” Will this affect 2024? VC: @RealCandaceO pic.twitter.com/qs6UIPZrH2 — DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) May 29, 2023
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