In the week following the unveiling of its 2023 Pride Collection, Target saw its market cap plunge by $9 billion, with its stock falling to the lowest point in three years, hitting $137.39 a share. "It's a crazy day when people high up at @Target think the 'sexualization' of children is an extremist position," wrote someone on Twitter about how utterly ludicrous this all is. "Believe them when they say that and boycott accordingly," responded another. "They redefined the word violence to mean any words heard or silence, not heard by them that they don't like," said someone else, emphasizing the fact that leftists often redefine words to mean things that they never traditionally meant, all to push their sinister agendas on unsuspecting others. It cannot be ignored that Target said absolutely nothing about the actual violence and looting that occurred at hundreds of its stores following the George Floyd false flag operation. Many Target stores were ransacked, set ablaze, and left in ruin to "stop police violence," but as far as we know there were never any internal memos like this that were circulated among company employees. "Mind you, they closed 175 stores nationwide" because of this, someone else on Twitter pointed out. Corporate America seems to be self-sabotaging itself by pushing unpopular and grotesque LGBT perversion of children and babies. To learn more, visit Sources include: NaturalNews.comEXCLUSIVE: Target releases internal "Threat Overview" memo regarding boycott over the company's LGBTQIA+ Pride collection.
The Pride collection features "tuck-friendly" bottom wear along with other merchandise for children with LGBTQIA+ slogans. — Chris Bertman (@manofbert) May 25, 2023
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