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B-Alert News with Leon Benjamin: Dr. Lee Merritt slams "evil worshipers" for engineering multi-dimensional mankind extinction program – Brighteon.TV
By bellecarter // 2023-05-29
For Dr. Lee Merritt, the world is in a spiritual war – but it's being waged on the physical plane. This, she said, was engineered by the globalist "Satan worshipers," who do not worship the God of creation. One of the things that this creepy religion believes in is that people would have to agree with their depopulation measures so they could easily get away with it, she told Pastor Leon Benjamin in the recent "B-Alert News" episode on Brighteon.TV. Merritt cited as an example the most massive genocide project – the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandate. "They are never going to force-vaccinate people by tying them down and injecting them. You have to one way or another say okay. That somehow relieves them of their karmic debt," said Merritt, who got "canceled" after criticizing the face mask mandate. "When they told us that a virus spread all over China, killing people, they didn't lie. What they didn't tell us is that in Latin, virus means toxin or poison. It does not mean a little germ that comes out of your mouth and floats out and infects other people." She added that this was because they had a plan to implement "measures" to mitigate the virus by standing six feet apart from each other and wearing masks. "You see, that's a great anti-human agenda. These are people that really want to destroy Earth and us with it." (Related: Doctors Lee Merritt and Ben Tapper slam CDC over late admission that masks and PCR tests are USELESS – Brighteon.TV.) The orthopedic and spinal surgeon also pointed out that the "extinction program" has been going on for a while, citing the poison that is being dumped on us via the chemtrails early on, poisoning the people from the sky to the food supply. "We have so much evidence for this, like the Harvard University doctors that were paid to lie about what was causing heart attacks and that the sugar industry was realizing that it was carbohydrates that were associated with the increased incidence back in the 60s," she said. "Every time a doctor would try to bring this up and write an article, these guys from Harvard would denigrate the paper. All it took was a few words for them and nobody ever looked at that stuff anymore." She further linked the depopulation agenda to how pathologists concealed the real reason for deaths at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The said medical professionals would not conduct autopsies as these could spread coronavirus, according to protocols. "Finally, in June of 2021, there was a publication of over 360 cases of dead COVID-19 patients and the conclusion of these specialists – these people that are paid to know what caused you to die –was they "do not have an idea what was killing people," Merritt disclosed. "That's a pretty shocking admission."

Merritt: The attack on humanity is not yet over

According to Benjamin, it is good that people are starting to wake up and come together to expose the people who have been lying about the "depopulation agenda" of the global elites. He said they are colluding with mainstream media, publications, state actors and politicians. "I hate to say it. I ran for Congress in 2020 and 2022 because I was thinking of serving the people and getting in to solve problems. But these people don't want to solve any problems. They just want to be in front of the camera to lie and then say, 'Look, we just can't figure out what's going on,'" the pastor lamented. Merritt concurred and encouraged the listeners to continue making a stand because the mandates are not over and they're just counting coup, finding out how many how people they actually hurt with the vaccine and what's going to be the death count as they plan their next move. "And one of the ways they do it is they distract you with nonsense. It's like the magician who waves his left hand while he's picking your pocket with the right," she added. Visit for more stories related to the depopulation agenda of the global elites. Watch the full May 22 episode of "B-Alert News" with Leon Benjamin featuring Dr. Lee Merritt below. Catch new episodes of the program every Monday at 10:00 a.m. on Brighteon.TV.

More related stories:

Dr. Lee Merritt: Mask wearing was never about controlling the virus. Merritt Medical Hour with Dr. Lee Merritt: Trump creating continuity programs to ensure preservation of government structures – Brighteon.TV. Dr. Kee Merritt: COVID-19 is a DNA war against humanity – Brighteon.TV.

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