If, heaven forbid, the United States government ever adopts a social credit score, National E-Verify is one more tool they can use to prevent honest people from being part of society. Believe what you will, but it will have little impact on illegal immigration into this country.Massie specifically noted the legislation could be used to enforce federal vaccine mandates as well:
Republicans are about to make a huge mistake. Biden forced millions of Americans to take VACCINES by threatening their JOBS, and turning EMPLOYERS into enforcers. Imagine giving Biden the ultimate on/off switch for EMPLOYMENT called E-verify. Might as well call it V-verify.Massie, of course, has long been a noted disciple of Ron Paul, so it's not surprising the Massie's concerns reflect those of Paul's. For his part, Paul has opposed E-Verify since its early years, and in the past decade has specifically warned it could be used to essentially create a broad federal permission-to-work regime. In 2018 he wrote:
E-Verify almost certainly will be used for purposes unrelated to immigration. One potential use of E-Verify is to limit the job prospects of anyone whose lifestyle displeases the government. This could include those accused of failing to pay their fair share in taxes, those who homeschool or do not vaccinate their children, or those who own firearms. Unscrupulous government officials could use E-Verify against those who practice antiwar, anti-tax, anti-surveillance, and anti-Federal Reserve activism. Those who consider this unlikely should remember the long history of the IRS targeting the political enemies of those in power and the use of anti-terrorism laws to harass antiwar activists. They should also consider the current moves to outlaw certain types of “politically incorrect” speech, such as disputing the alleged “consensus” regarding climate change.
the government is busting up a whole series of voluntary labor relationships that are designed to provide people with good food. Let us be clear: to the extent that many people object to illegal immigration, it has nothing to do with those who go to work and make an honest living doing things like working in restaurants. The problem with illegal immigration is related to other issues that drive people crazy, like going on welfare, engaging in actual (not pretend) crime, and demanding tax-funded support services.Proponents of E-Verify, of course, claim it is all very employer friendly, and takes mere "minutes" to use. Sure. It takes a heroic amount of faith in the government to assume that E-Verify will be the first federal regulatory program that makes life easier for private businesses—many of which are small businesses with razor-thin profit margins. If E-Verify proves to be little more than just one more costly hoop for business owners to jump through, that will be the best-case scenario. It is more likely that E-Verify will gradually turn into a model or a hub for new programs that tie work eligibility to any number of federal mandates and requirements for "good"—i.e., obedient—citizenship. After all, if the last three years have taught us anything, it's that the federal government is more than willing to unilaterally expand and interpret federal policies in whatever way federal policymakers please. Note, for example, how the Biden Administration used Medicare and Medicaid funding as a means to ram through vaccine mandates at hospitals. And note how the administration used OSHA as a backdoor method of imposing vaccine mandates on employers. OSHA was not created to enforce such mandates, but this didn't stop the White House from telling it to do so. E-Verify would provide a similar way for the federal government to leverage its power against all employers in America. Read more at: Mises.org
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