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Health Ranger interviews Jonathan Emord, who is running for U.S. Senate in Virginia
By ethanh // 2023-05-15
If we don't turn this political ship around in the next two-to-three years, then the republic formerly known as the United States of America will cease to exist, falling instead into a socialist dictatorship. These were the chilling words of attorney Jonathan Emord, who is running for the U.S. Senate in Virginia, during a recent appearance with Mike Adams on the Health Ranger Report. Emord spoke with Adams about his plans, if elected, to slay the dragons of tyranny – of which there are many. "I've been studying the federal bureaucracy forever, with more than 38 years of practicing before the federal courts against the agencies," Emord explained. "And all the while the agencies have been responsible for a leftward trend, the government is increasingly socialistic." Emord says that things have really ramped up ever since the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) made its appearance – so much so, in fact, that time is of the essence if there is any chance at saving the country from total collapse. "Within the last two years, from 2020 forward, the movement left has been so profound that if we don't stop it within the next two-to-three years, we will lose the last vestiges of our republic to a socialist dictatorship." Be sure to watch the full interview below: (Related: Back in 2012, the Health Ranger interviewed Emord about the Rawesome Food raids.)

Emord opposes the transgender mutilation of children and anti-white racism

Emord and Adams talked about how the so-called covid "virus" brought about all sorts of new tyranny just like the 9/11 terrorist attacks did before it. And now things seem to be fast-tracking straight into absolute totalitarianism. "I couldn't just sit back," Emord said during the interview. "I had to participate in this." "My whole career has been designed to defend the Constitution against government overreach and violation of individuals' rights. And so now I see those violations happening with such rapidity and so frequently, resulting in ruin for businesses and for individuals, that I think if we don't act, and don't save our republic, within the next two-to-three years that the game is up." Another topic that was discussed is America's newfound obsession with transgenderism, which was obviously engineered by the Cult of LGBT as the latest assault on the family, on decency, and on humanity itself. When asked by Adams what the first thing he would accomplish if elected as a senator, Emord responded that he would take an immediate stand for America's children, who are under assault by the transgender mafia. "The first thing I will do is introduce legislation to make it a federal felony for anyone to aid or cause the transitioning of anyone under 18 – that's the first thing I would do." "The second thing I will do is introduce legislation to enforce the equal protection clause of the Constitution and the Civil Rights Act against any institution that receives federal funding, whether it's in the military or a department of the military or a school, or any other institution that receives federal funding – if they engage in stigmatizing or separating people predicated upon race, as is being done by those who advocate for critical race theory (CRT)." "It's a gross violation of the Constitution, horrible for our kids, they're dividing our kids and they're ruining them, and they're making them fit for a communist revolution but enemies of their parents, each other, the free enterprise system, the country." Watch the full video above to learn more about what Emord believes and hopes to achieve if elected to the U.S. Senate in Virginia. More related news can be found at Sources for this article include: