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The Dr. Hotze Report: Immigration disaster unfolds at the southern border as Title 42 ends – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2023-05-11
Dr. Steve Hotze and security specialist Tim Enlow discussed the unfolding immigration disaster at the southern border during the May 8 episode of "The Dr. Hotze Report" on Brighteon.TV. With Title 42 ending Thursday, both Hotze and Enlow expect hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants will cross the border and seek asylum. Title 42 was instituted during the Trump administration as a health policy due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. (Related: MASS INVASION about to be unleashed against America as "border restrictions" end. "Title 42 stopped the entry of illegals at the border," Enlow said. He noted that Title 42 enjoyed more success than the Remain in Mexico policy, which allowed immigrants filing for asylum in the U.S. to remain in Mexico while their cases were being heard. "Almost two million people were turned away at the border because of Title 42," said Enlow, a former security officer who also worked in the military. President Joe Biden ended the Remain in Mexico policy last year. Now that Title 42 is being lifted as well, immigrants can walk right back into America and file for asylum. They will be issued a blue form by the Border Patrol, which says they will be contacted when a hearing date is set in a year or two. Enlow said the Biden's government doesn't really intend to assign a court date for these people as they come across the border. He noted that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) offices in New York are currently booked for asylum hearings through 2033. According to Enlow, both the Border Patrol and ICE have admitted that there is no way to effectively track these people entering the border. Hotze agreed with his guest. "All these illegals are going to be over here. Only God knows where they are going to be dispersed to. And they can be lined up for a hearing to get asylum. But that's going to be a fraction of the people that are here. They are just going to assimilate into the culture and be illegal," Hotze said.

America will be looking at 3.6 million illegals coming every year

Enlow said the Border Patrol and ICE can no longer stop and turn away these people when Title 42 is officially lifted. The protective security specialist added that America will be looking at 10,000 plus crossers a day coming into the U.S. through the southern border. That would be 3.6 million illegals coming into the U.S. every year. According to Hotze, there are already 22 million illegal immigrants in America and nearly two million a year are coming over in the last two years under the Biden administration. The host noted that these people are not only coming from Mexico. "Back in the olden days, it would be people from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and other Central American nations. But now they are coming from all over the world," said Enlow, driving home Hotze's point. He added that military-age Chinese men are also coming across the border by the hundreds. The former security contractor mentioned that thousands of illegals managed to cross the border even when Title 42 and Remain in Mexico policies were in place because Catholic Charities RGV, the Rio Grande Valley and other charities were facilitating their entry. "These charities were working on both sides of the border and teaching these people where and how to get in," Enlow said. "They were given assistance aside from clothing, food, money and cell phones, among others." Hotze added that the United Nations and Homeland Security even set up tent cities for illegals all the way into Central America. Follow more news about the lifting of Title 42. Watch the May 8 episode of "The Dr. Hotze Report" below. "The Dr. Hotze Report" airs every Monday and Saturday starting at 5 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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