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Leftist lunatics lose their minds after CNN hosts town hall with Trump
By jdheyes // 2023-05-12
Left-wing media types, uber-liberal politicians, and RINO political grifters who go insane over Donald Trump were incensed with CNN for giving him airtime during his first appearance on the network in about seven years. Trump agreed to take part in a CNN-hosted town hall event on Wednesday, and by most measures, he did well. That's what triggered his critics' anger the most. New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and ABC talk show host Joe Behar of “The View” led the unhinged whining on the left. “There is simply no way CNN can feign ignorance about the fact that they set up a sexual assault victim to be targeted and attacked on national television a day after the verdict. People were sounding the alarm about this exact scenario. They let it happen anyway without a plan,” Ocasio-Cortez said, per Explain America. "This, the choice to platform election disinformation, lies about January 6th, totally unchecked and reckless claims about abortion… they need to take ownership of what just happened. This cannot be normalized. It’s dangerous," she added. Behar's rants were equally ridiculous. “The Cnn thing is a joke. The audience is stacked with his cult. Kaitlin is good, but it’s impossible to deal with this pathological liar,” she said on Twitter. “CNN should be embarrassed by this audience. They are enthralled with him and that emboldens him. It’s like encouraging a toddler to behave badly. #Cult,” she added. “Are these questioners just a bunch of plants? I mean, not one critical questioner? All are in love with this fool?” the controversial ABC co-host of "The View" asked -- as though she doesn't know that Joe Biden always gets soft questions from her media pals, as do most Democrats. “Do you want four more years of that?” President Joe Biden said after the event was over. [Actually, yes, sane people do, "Inflation Joe."] CNN’s Jake Trapper said, “Trump’s first lie was told just seconds after the event began.” Special Advisor to former President Obama said, “Those who watched this should be very worried.” CNN’s Alyssa Farrah Griffin -- who gladly worked for the Trump White House -- complained, “This is a man who is wholly unfit to serve as President…” Even some Republicans were critical, including Erin Perrine of Never Back Down, a super PAC endorsing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ potential Presidential bid. She referred to Trump’s Town Hall as “an hour of nonsense.” Perrine said: “The CNN townhall was, as expected, over an hour of nonsense that proved Trump is stuck in the past. After 76 years, Trump still doesn’t know where he stands on important conservative issues like supporting life and the Second Amendment. How does that Make America Great Again?” Sources include: