WATCH as Mike Adams speaks with 16-year-old Venezuelan refugee who fled tyranny with her family
You may have heard that fake president Joe Biden was ordered this week to issue a public statement about the forced closure of the Venezuelan refugee camps located along the deadly Darien Gap jungle trail that his border chief had built back in 2021 for human trafficking.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, got the chance to
speak with one young girl who has been in one of these camps with her family for the past five days, and cannot leave due to lack of funds.
Watch the interview below as Adams speaks with the child via correspondent Michael Yon:
"We are here, we're a family," the girl states to Adams while surrounded by her relatives. "We've traveled for five days. We came here today."
"We traveled through rocks, water – it was so hard. All these lakes, hard, hard. Very painful."

Adams asked the girl when they plan to leave and what they plan to do, and the girl, partially unable to translate all of his words, responded back about her family's lack of funds to continue traveling.
"You need money to continue, and we don't have it," she explained. "Some people have stayed here for 15 days or more time because they don't have money."
"Some people stay here trying to work, but some can't do that. Some people are trying to attack the women."
Biden border chief Alejandro Mayorkas needs to be arrested and charged with treason for creating human trafficking camps along Darien Gap jungle trail
The video is both eye-opening and heartbreaking as it depicts the real human lives – precious lives – that got caught up in this nightmare as a result of the Biden regime's corrupt policies.
The Darien Gap jungle trail was funded not just by the Biden regime but also by the United Nations, both of which have been
paying for these human trafficking camps to exist for the past several years.
Migrants from not just Venezuela but China, Haiti, the Middle East, Europe, and elsewhere were lured to these camps under the pretense of being ushered across the border as illegal immigrants. Now, those who arrived recently are being disbanded as the camps get shut down by the very people who put them there in the first place.
"It is our opinion that border chief Alejandro Mayorkas should be arrested and charged with committing treason against the United States of America," Adams explained about the guy in the Biden regime who is directly responsible for all this turmoil.
It turns out that Mayorkas decided to call it quits with these camps because the independent media was able to finally gain access to them. Prior to this, nobody really knew they existed – or if they did, they had no idea what they were actually being used for because the corporate-controlled media has never told the truth about them.
"... [Mayorkas] is only shutting down these camps because the independent media –,,, etc. – was able to get this story out to the America people despite all the illegal censorship and oppression carried out against the alt media by the Biden regime and complicit tech giants that have all been infiltrated by the CIA and FBI," Adams said.
If you pay taxes, by the way, then you, too, helped created the human trafficking highway that the young girl seen above and her family ended up on, only to now be told that they have to leave and go somewhere else.
"... innocent families are tricked by the United States (Biden and Mayorkas) into using the Darien Gap as a human trafficking channel to flood the U.S. border with illegals," Adams added.
"Those innocent families are told they will be given amnesty in the United States, so they put their lives on the lines, often facing extreme violence, routine rapes of young women, injuries, illness and death."
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