One of the ten-years-in-the-slammer memes can be seen here. Vaughn tweeted a photo of what looked like a Hillary ad, but was actually a parody of a Hillary ad. The caption read: “Avoid the line. Vote from home. Text ‘Hillary’ to 59925. Vote for Hillary and be a part of history.” The Justice Unless You Support Trump Department explained that this was a heinous crime because “Mackey conspired with other influential Twitter users and with members of private online groups to use social media platforms, including Twitter, to disseminate fraudulent messages that encouraged supporters of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to ‘vote’ via text message or social media which, in reality, was legally invalid.” Yeah, wow, doggonit, that sounds terrible. Thousands, maybe even millions, of people, must have been bamboozled by the 107th most important influencer of the then-upcoming Presidential Election to send in a text and think they had voted, right? Wrong. The Justice Department, according to the Post Millennial, “was unable to provide evidence that anyone was deceived by the meme.” Not even a single person. What’s more, at least one memester on the other side did exactly the same thing, and was never arrested or tried and faces no prison time. On Nov. 8, 2016, which was election day, Kristina Wong tweeted a video of a Trump supporter with the caption: “Hey Trump Supporters! Skip poll lines at #Election2016 and TEXT in your vote! Text votes are legit. Or vote tomorrow on Super Wednesday!” Not only was Kristina Wong never prosecuted, but her tweet is still live. Yet she did exactly the same thing Douglass Mackey did. She just had the good sense to do it against Trump, rather than against Hillary. The rotten, corrupt, politicized remains of the Justice Department, however, were full to the brim of their own righteousness on Friday. U.S. Attorney Breon Peace proclaimed, “Mackey has been found guilty by a jury of his peers of attempting to deprive individuals from exercising their sacred right to vote for the candidate of their choice in the 2016 Presidential Election.” The contemporary American Left, one of the most impious and God-hating political movements in the history of the world, loves to affect piety at times like this, but Peace’s statement was a particularly nauseating example of this phenomenon. The right to vote is “sacred”? No, Peace. I’m all for voting in free, fair, unrigged elections, but be serious: the right to vote is not held as sacred in any religious tradition on the face of the earth. What you’re actually saying is that your corrupt and self-serving system is part of your secular religion, and that Mackey is a heretic from that religion; he has been duly found guilty and will be burned at the stake. And this is just day one. Imagine what America will be like once the banana republic has been fully in power for a few years. Read more at: PJMedia.comDouglass Mackey was just found guilty of a federal crime he was charged with by the DOJ for tweeting the meme on the left during the 2016 election.
The lady on the right has never been arrested for her tweet that also came during the 2016 election. — Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 31, 2023
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