DEPOPULATION: Over 2 million excess deaths recorded globally since the rollout of the covid-19 injections
Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is not saving lives. The excess death data confirm the opposite is taking place over 2021 and 2022. Since the emergency use rollout of the covid-19 injections,
over 2 million EXCESS deaths have been recorded globally. The US suffered 674,954 excess deaths in 2021, and then another 434,520 excess deaths by week 49 of 2022. Europe suffered 375,253 excess deaths in 2021 and 404,6000 excess deaths in 2022. It's not a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" as was advertised in 2021. In fact, most "fully vaccinated" adult populations are more likely to contract covid-19, get sick and die. While covid-19 vaccines aren't the only vector destroying people's immune systems and killing them off, they are obviously the driving force.
These excess death statistics are compiled from government databases around the world, including the Office for National Statistics, the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Centers for Disease Control, the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation, and Development, and the Euro MOMO.
Operation Warp Speed was a depopulation program
The covid-19 pandemic emergency that has been artificially constructed for over three years, pales in comparison to the REAL EMERGENCY that has gone undeclared over the past decade.
Vaccine experiments are destroying people’s lives, harming their cardiovascular system, decimating their immune system, and destroying herd immunity, among countless other harms.
Instead of improving the innate immune response, covid-19 injections have weakened the individual immune response,
causing vaccine-induced autoimmune deficiency syndrome. When government and public health officials talk about waning vaccine efficacy and when they recommend new boosters, they are really admitting that the vaccine is damaging your immune system, making you more susceptible to all infections, including the perpetual mutations of the coronavirus. This suppression of the immune system is also linked to increased production or formation of tumors, immune thrombocytopenia, and myocarditis.
Since the first vaccines were granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), astronomical excess death rates have continued for the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and twenty-six other European countries, all the way through week 49 of 2022.
UK data show the covid-19 vaccines causing a pandemic of new infections, twice as many deaths than unvaccinated
The data out of the United Kingdom show the “fully vaccinated” are more likely to die of covid-19 because the performance of the populations’ immune systems is declining by the week. While short term gains in immunity are observed two months after covid-19 injection, these gains are quickly lost and made worse over consecutive months.
According to the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report for Week 5 of 2022, the double and triple vaccinated were two to four times more likely to contract covid-19 for all age groups. Despite being coerced to take a disproportionate share of covid-19 tests, the unvaccinated were less likely to contract the disease and be hospitalized.

The report took a closer look at fully-vaccinated immune system performance in England against the unvaccinated population’s natural immune system. There was no measurable effectiveness for the vaccine in all age groups! In fact, the effectiveness of the vaccine fell into negative territory for all adults.

When the report looked at vaccine effectiveness against death in England, there were only two age groups that were slightly protected (ages 18-29 and ages 40-49). All other vaccinated age groups were more likely to die. Overall, 18–80-year-olds who were fully-vaccinated suffered through -98.14% vaccine effectiveness when measuring the most important statistical category: death.

England’s covid-19 death rates per 100,000 people was similar in the unvaccinated and the double vaccinated for the 18-29 age group and the 40-49 age group, so the vaccine had no noticeable effect on the survival rate of young adults. The death rate in the elderly, however, was drastically worse in the fully vaccinated. The elderly in three age groups (60-69), (70-79), and (80+) showed that the elderly were twice as likely to die if they were fully vaccinated.
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