SMOKING GUN: UK Health Minister's leaked messages reveal Truman Show-like psychological terrorism campaign involving RELEASING variants to maximize fear and lockdown compliance
The Telegraph (UK) has released an explosive series of articles documenting the psychological terrorism and biological warfare COVID campaigns waged against the British people by their own government.
The Lockdown Files here.
Read about "Project Fear" in this article.
As The Telegraph writes:
Throughout the course of the pandemic, officials and ministers wrestled with how to ensure the public complied with ever-changing lockdown restrictions. One weapon in their arsenal was fear.
“We frighten the pants off everyone,” Matt Hancock suggested during one WhatsApp message with his media adviser.
The then Health Secretary was not alone in his desire to scare the public into compliance. The WhatsApp messages seen by the Telegraph show how several members of Mr. Hancock’s team engaged in a kind of ‘Project Fear’ in which they spoke of how to utilise “fear and guilt” to make people obey lockdown.
At one point, Matt Hancock, the former UK Health Minister, asks another government employee, "When do we deploy the new variant?"

He was texting with Damon Poole, who commented, "Yep that's what will get proper behviour [sic] change."
In another message, Hancock bragged, "We frighten the pants of everyone with the new strain..."
These are open admissions of a
criminal conspiracy to carry out psychological terrorism against the British people.
Damon Poole and Matt Hancock should be immediately arrested and prosecuted, then jailed for life if found guilty.
Get the rest of the story in today's podcast
In today's Situation Update podcast, I cover the rest of the story of how UK government officials actively conspired to run a "Truman Show" psychological terrorism campaign against their own people. They also engaged in biological warfare, plotting the
timing of the release of variants -- by their own admissions -- to terrorize the public.
Importantly, what they are admitting to is
exactly what the alternative media told you was happening from the very beginning. All our so-called "conspiracy theories" turn out to be facts, again and again.
What Hancock and his staffers did is an admission that the entire covid
plandemic was, in fact, contrived from the very start. From its inception, the plandemic has always been a weaponized conspiracy against the people. (Yes, yet another actual conspiracy fact, not merely a theory.) And these government tyrants are such woke idiot morons, they actually
left an electronic trail of their crimes against humanity.
That's how arrogant and stupid they are. They think they can get away with running biological terrorism and psychological terrorism against their own people. But now, the truth is coming out. (The truth we've been reporting since 2020.) And all those who downplayed the conspiracy facts surrounding the
plandemic are now eating crow: The UK's own government officials
admit to their crimes, in their own words.
The debate is over. COVID was a government-run conspiracy of terrorism and bioweapons, designed to achieve
global depopulation and economic collapse.
And the covid vaccines are, of course, a global depopulation weapon designed to exterminate humanity and collapse global economies.
This is a fact.
The corporate media is now starting to roll out elements of truth, believe it or not. Those entire thing is about to flip.
Get full details in today's podcast, covering:
- Another train derailment in Ohio
- They're still running trains that are TOO LONG
- Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has no clue how transportation works
- Walmart closing ALL its stores in Portland due to rampant crime
- Walmart can't publicly tell the truth: The BLUE cities run by Dems are collapsing
- Walmart knows a societal collapse is coming, followed by rampant looting and arson
- RFK Jr. is thinking about running for President: Why this is a GOOD thing
- RFK Jr. may force Trump to face the truth about #vaccines and Operation Warp Speed
- Former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock exposed through 100,000+ leaked messages
- Conspired with his govt. colleagues to "scare the pants off everyone" to achieve compliance
- Plotted the release of new variants, confirming the govt. keeps bioweapons and deploys them against the public
- Reveals how the entire covid plandemic was a Truman Show script to terrorize the public into vaccine compliance
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