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Newborn deaths in Scotland reached worrying levels TWICE in six months
By bellecarter // 2022-10-06
The Scottish government has commissioned Healthcare Improvement Scotland to probe deeper into the reason why newborn deaths were higher than expected twice in six months – in September 2021 and March this year. "The review will cover all reported deaths across Scotland between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022 to find out if there is anything that may have contributed to the increase. Anything identified will feed into recommendations and actions to improve the quality of care for mother and babies," the government's official news release stated. According to Gateway Pundit, deaths among infants younger than four weeks old increased to at least 18 in March, which is 4.6 per 1,000 births and as many as 21 in September 2021, which is 4.9 per 1,000 births. The average mortality rate among newborns is just over two per thousand births. "Every death is a tragedy for the families involved, that is why earlier this year I committed to this review to find out if there is a reason for the increase," Public Health Minister Maree Todd said. "I appreciate how difficult this time is for anyone affected and I would encourage them to access support if they wish to do so. There is information about organizations and help available on the National Bereavement Care Pathways Scotland as well as the Scottish government website." The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is the primary suspect in the cause of infant deaths. However, local health experts could not directly link the troubling figures to the virus. (Related: Why are babies in Scotland suddenly dying at a rate that's 300% higher than normal?) "What we do know it is not neonatal COVID – the rates of COVID-19 infection in babies are very low and deaths from COVID are thankfully very, very small, so this isn't the virus affecting babies," Dr. Sarah Stock, an expert in maternal and fetal medicine at the University of Edinburgh, told a national newspaper earlier in the year. The COVID-19 vaccines could also be the culprit.

Fully vaxxed mom's newborn suffered stroke in the womb

In 2021, a newborn from Hull, East Yorkshire survived blood clots in his brain and was delivered via emergency cesarean with a "bruised and blistered" left arm. At 10 days old, the limb was amputated. An MRI scan revealed that the baby named Zack Reilly had also suffered a stroke in the womb before he was born, causing brain damage that could affect his mobility, muscle control and speech as he develops. The boy is now a year old and has adapted brilliantly to the delight of his parents – Libby Francis, 29, a fully vaccinated Royal Navy assistant career advisor and telecoms engineer Owen Reilly, 28. The boy's mother accepted the COVID-19 jab while she was pregnant because it was required by the U.K. naval warfare force. After the surgery last year, the doctors met with the parents to break the bad news. "They said he had damage to his brain due to a suspected clot and while we won't know exactly how he has been affected until he is older, there is a good chance he might not be able to use some muscles and might not walk and talk," Francis recalled. During the first few months after they were sent home, the kid was smiling and starting to reach for toys with his good arm and started lifting his head. But the heartbroken mother added that at five months, he stopped smiling and started having seizures. The baby was also diagnosed with a rare type of epilepsy called infantile spasms, which is associated with a very abnormal brainwave pattern. He experienced about five episodes of seizures every day over the course of four days. He also initially failed his hearing test, but doctors later confirmed he only had mild hearing loss. "It sounds weird, but we were so happy, as mild hearing loss meant he could still hear us," Francis said. Visit for more news related to the mortality rates of the COVID-19 vaccinated population. Watch the below video that talks about a vaccinated woman's newborn son dying suddenly.
This video is from the OnlyTruth4Me channel on

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