"Of course @BostonChildrens plays inspirational music in the background when advertising these services to kids. They might not make as much money if they showed these pictures," he added in another tweet, detailing that a children's hospital in Boston is also providing similar surgeries. Listen to this ghoul explain:Tissue harvesting for construction of a phallus.
Gender-affirming hysterectomies must be done first, which WPATH now recommends for 17-year-old girls. This procedure is performed in children’s hospitals across the nation. pic.twitter.com/3YN6WZKZ7G — Billboard Chris ???? (@BillboardChris) August 26, 2022
While Seattle Children's claims that patients have to wait until they are 18 years old to undergo genital reconstruction surgery that includes intestinal vaginoplasties using sections of bowel to create a phony vagina, the institution also says that "a typical age is mid-teens or older" for other procedures, the hospital's website says. While it may be possible to 'create' certain body parts, the fact is humans are born either male or female, and honest physicians would tell you that biological sex really does matter when it comes to the prescribing of certain medications that affect males and females differently or can affect them differently. "Men and women frequently have different experiences in relation to medicines and drugs. Sometimes the differences are seen in adverse effects or a drug having a greater effect. These differences can be related to the physiological differences between men and women, as well as other gender-specific differences," the Alternative to Meds Center notes in a fact-checked article. Worse, though, these life-altering surgeries are being performed on young people and kids without any thought as to whether they might someday have regrets or a change of heart -- when it's too late. These people are sick; they are not 'healthcare providers.' Sources include: DailyCaller.com AlternativeToMeds.comOf course @BostonChildrens plays inspirational music in the background when advertising these services to kids. They might not make as much money if they showed these pictures.pic.twitter.com/FyFNh4gARt
— Billboard Chris ???? (@BillboardChris) August 26, 2022
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