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Oregon school district votes to keep pornographic LGBT materials available for young children
By ethanh // 2022-07-19
The Salem Keizer school district in Oregon has decided to keep a pornographic book in the school library system despite massive outcry from parents. Gender Queer, as the book is called, contains graphic imagery of perverted sexual acts presented in such a way as to convince children that such behavior is normal. It also contains transgender propaganda aimed at brainwashing children into removing body parts and taking gender-bending pharmaceuticals. A special committee was formed at the school to decide whether to keep the book, and a woman named Suzanne West was appointed to head it. Her job description reads as follows: "Crafting and developing strategies that support the district's movement to become a more anti-racist and anti-oppressive school system." After ruling to keep Gender Queer in the school library against the wishes of parents, West sent out an email containing the official statements from committee members as to why they decided to keep it. "The book will be necessary to keep in schools, to help be more inclusive and allow all students from the LGBTQ+ community to have a resource to refer to," one of them wrote. "The book expands on sexual orientation and gender identity which are both topics touched on in wellness," wrote another. "It being a graphic novel makes the book more accessible to a variety of readers," added another. Another committee member claimed that because the book won a "teen-specific literary award," it should remain available to students so they can get a glimpse at a "marginalized community." "This graphic novel is very well done from a literary standpoint," commented another. (Related: Public schools in Austin, Tex., are teaching third-graders how to have anal sex.) "It is an excellent example of a memoir, it includes many visual metaphors, it promotes literacy and accessibility through the graphic format, and it has modern language suitable to our students today."

You might as well not have children if you plan to send them to public school

The truth of the matter is that Gender Queer is loaded with filth that filthy women like West believe is appropriate for children. And they veil this filth under terms like "inclusivity," as you can see by each of the committee members' comments. It turns out that Gender Queer is being spread across not just Oregon but the entire country. Alarmed parents everywhere are speaking out against it, only to have school officials argue with them that it should remain part of the school curriculum. One public school district did take offense to the book after a parent started reading it during a meeting. One of the members cut her off and said it was too graphic and inappropriate to read during the meeting – but somehow it is okay for children to check out from the library. "Why do they want what they're teaching our children to be kept a secret?" asks the Libs of TikTok Twitter account. "Why are parents routinely shut down when they voice their concerns?" "We're not allowed to question what they're teaching our children. Instead, we must comply to avoid being labeled homophobic, transphobic, or hateful. So shut up and let your kid read about blow jobs and chest binders, bigot!" In the comment section, someone rightfully pointed out that the LGBT community is anything but marginalized, seeing as how every major corporation panders to them and even changes its logo for "Pride" month. "'Inclusive' of a descent into hell," wrote another. "I would be protesting at the Salem Keizer school district offices, threatening lawsuits with that book in hand!" The latest news about gender perversion in American public schools can be found at Sources for this article include: