One of the major statistics on the subject of life is that the greatest advocates for the A-word [abortion] are men from ages 31-37. That's how old I was. I felt like I was too busy. My dad felt like he was too busy for me. We have a culture of that ... In our culture, we're doped up, and psyched out, and made to kill our children. We have to decouple the conversation of Planned Parenthood and women's choice. I'm Christian, so I'm pro-life. When I go into office, I'm not changing laws because I realize we live in an imperfect world and an imperfect society. What I will be presenting is a Plan A. We've already started working on a Plan A to change the connotation of orphanages, to change the connotation of foster care. There were 210,000 deaths due to COVID in America. Everywhere you go, you see someone with a mask on. With A, the A word, A culture -- I'll say it one time, with abortion culture -- there are 1,000 Black children aborted a day. Daily. We are in genocide. More Black children since February than people have died of COVID. And everyone wears a mask. So it's a matter of where are we turning a blind eye to?In Kanye West stream-of-consciousness style, he moved right onto a different topic, and so unfortunately, we didn’t get to hear Joe Rogan’s thoughts on Planned Parenthood’s eugenic origins and abortion as a main destroyer of black lives—Rogan himself is pro-abortion, although he generally opposes late-term abortions. But once again, West indicated that he has been thinking deeply about abortion—not just because of his personal experience, but because he has realized that Planned Parenthood poses the greatest threat to his community. I’ll admit that, as I noted before, I’m very concerned about celebrity figures like Kanye West becoming icons for Christian causes. While West’s rambling interview does showcase the ADHD of a wildly successful creative mind, it also highlights something that strongly resembles a growing Messianic complex. Charismatic men with celebrity and wealth adopting Messianic complexes have cropped up before in American history, and it never ends well. But perhaps this isn’t that, and what we have is a musician using his celebrity to expose Planned Parenthood, talk openly about abortion, and urge his millions of fans to think harder and more clearly about the issue. I certainly hope so. Read more at:
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